The information you store here are among the most important in the system. They will drive how it behaves for this part number and those it interacts with. Strategy* - drop down list - this is probably the most important information in the application. It can be either one of On stock, or On order, or eventually On project (in case project management is activated and relevant). Expand |
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The strategy tells the system how to handle the product from a procurement standpoint, whether purchased or produced. We define 3 different management strategies: - Procurement On stock:
It is used for products you make before receiving sales order confirmation. You then fulfil customer demand using existing stock, and works orders - or purchase orders - are used to refill your stock level. Also sometimes referred to as Push strategy or Make to stock. When using this strategy, the system evaluates the level of demand against stock and configuration to raise procurement suggestions under the MRP calculation programs. - Procurement On order:
This is to be used when the good or service is made after receiving confirmation of the order. The final product dispatched usually is a combination of parts procured on stock and parts procured on order, to satisfy specific customer demand. Also sometimes referred to as Pull strategy or Make to order. When using this strategy, you raise works orders and purchase suggestions when integrating the backlog of orders into production. - Procurement On project:
This strategy makes the information of the project mandatory at the commercial document level. Whether purchased or produced, it behaves as if made to order, where you raise works orders and purchase suggestions manually, this time when issuing projects to production.
This information can be changed at any point in time, except if it is present in a procurement suggestion, an open purchase order, or an open works order component.
Specificity of the strategy On project: You cannot change the strategy of a component from on stock, or on order, to on project if it already appears as component of a project works order. |
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| - Batch number counter- reference to another entity - this allows you to use automatic numbering for batch numbers.
- Serial number management - boolean -
| . - this is used to tell whether you want to record serial numbers for this product.
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Note that traceability demands diligence and discipline. Whenever entering products in stock, or issuing from stock, the system will ask for traceability information. |
- Inspection process plan - reference to another entity - this allows you to refer to a question scenario that will be triggered when you book goods in, whether at the end of a works order or when receiving a purchase order. It will allow you to record the details of a quality control.
- Lieu de stockage principal d’entrée
- Lieu de stockage principal de sortie : Permet d’avoir une valeur par défaut lors des mouvements de cet article.
- Il est nécessaire de créer les lieux de stockage dans l’activité « Gérer les lieux de stockage »
- Politique de lotissement : Voir l’infobulle pour plus d’information. En cas de doute, mettre « Lot par lot ».
- Article PIC : A ne pas renseigner dans le cadre d’un projet Starter
- Type de consommation : Ce champ a un impact sur les sorties de composants prévus pour un OF.
- Pré-consommation : Consommation manuelle obligatoire
- Post-consommation : La consommation sera automatique lors de la fin de l’OF
Unité d’achat : Permet de définir une unité d’achat par défaut pour cet article avec son taux de conversion- Storage sites - reference to another entity - default locations from where you record stock entries, or take stock of for this product.
- Main entry: used by default whenever the program you are using leads to entering products in stock (from MRP suggestions, to booking works orders in or recording supplier deliveries).
- Main exit: used by default whenever the program you are using leads to withdrawing products from stock (from dispatching sales orders to consuming components in production, or transferring parts to a subcontractor).
- Batch policy - dropdown list - can be either one of batch by batch, or minimum batch quantity. In the latter, the system will initiate any action leading to entering products in stock with the minimum quantity defined in the field minimum batch size (see below). When batch by batch however, the system will initiate the quantity with what is precisely required.
- Note that when the strategy is set to On order, the batch policy cannot be different than batch by batch, as you will restock for the line of sales order specifically.
- SIMP part - reference to another entity - this is very advanced utilisation of the system, and subject to specific documentation still to come on S&OP, forecasts, and MRP.
- Consumption type - dropdown list - this information is used to define how you issue components in production. To get more familiar with the system and more swiftly live, we recommend you leave it empty. This way, you can either do components issuing manually or let the system issue them automatically when booking finished goods in. Otherwise, you can specify whether you want components issuing to be:
- Purchase unit - reference to another entity - enter here in what unit you purchase the product. It can be different than the stock unit of management, in which case the system asks you to define the conversion rate between the two units.
- Last purchase price - numeric - you can initiate this value for parts you create, which will be used by default for the first purchase orders you place for these parts. It will then be updated each time you record a supplier invoice.
- Fournisseur principal : Permet d’associer un fournisseur principal à cet article. Il est important de renseigner ce champ afin que le CBN (Calcul des Besoins Nets) puisse générer des suggestions d’achat sur un fournisseur.
- Vous devrez au préalable créer des fournisseurs dans l’activité « Gérer les fournisseurs »
- Délai de réapprovisionnement
- Délai de sécurité : Sylob 5 additionnera ces deux délais afin de calculer la date limite à laquelle vous devez passer votre commande d’achat pour obtenir cet article à temps.
- Stock de sécurité : Critères impactant les suggestions faites par le CBN (Calcul des Besoins Nets). Voir les infobulles pour plus d’informations
- Point de commande : A ne pas renseigner dans le cadre d’un projet Starter
- Unité d’œuvre : A ne pas renseigner dans le cadre d’un projet Starter
- Code GTIN-13 : A ne pas renseigner dans le cadre d’un projet Starter
Regroupement de suggestions : A ne pas renseigner dans le cadre d’un projet Starter- Main supplier - reference to another entity - by default, Fortee will suggest you procure this product from this supplier (important for purchased goods).
- Lead time - integer - number of days required to restock the product.
- Security time period- integer - comes on top of the lead time for Fortee to suggest when you should place purchase orders or works orders and book goods in on time.
- Minimum batch size - numeric - in case you manage the product on MRP, this is the minimum quantity you would procure, either purchased or manufactured. It is also usually referred to as Economic Quantity of Order.
- Packaging - numeric - when you need to order a quantity above the EOQ or Minimum Batch Size, this is the minimum size of the batch over.
- Example: for this product, EOQ = 100. Whenever you place a supplier order, or a manufacturing order, by default, the quantity is set to 100. If the packaging info is set to 10, and you need 107 units, the system will suggest you procure 110.
- Security stock - numeric - minimum level of stock you want to hold.
- Order point - numeric - in case you manage the product on Order point, this is the stock threshold which will trigger a suggestion of procuring new products.
- Labour unit - numeric - interesting to fill when you have very little knowledge and/or data about your routings to get rough estimates of the load of the plant vs. its actual capacity. The company has a volume of labour units available, and to make each product consumes some of these units. This reflects what portion of a day's total capacity it would take to make one unit of this product. Note that total capacity and labour unit should be set against bottlenecks only.
- GTIN-13 code - alphanumeric - international standard describing consumer goods.
- Maximum stock - numeric - this is advanced utilisation of the MRP calculation. It will help you not overstock material. In the case where procuring additional stock would bring you to exceed this value for the product, the system pushes the procurement suggestion to the latest possible.
- Coverage time period - integer - this is advanced utilisation of the MRP calculation. You can either use Maximum stock, or Coverage period (at the product level). The latter allows to bring some form of Reorder point at the MRP level. If the level of stock is not foreseen to be back to security level.