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titleGeneral considerations

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General considerations
General considerations

Note that Fortee offers an advanced configurator, which can automate the creation of parts on the basis of how a user answers a pre-defined set of questions. This allows for a good control of the quality of the records created. However, we recommend you start by filling the information manually to get more familiar with their impact. Automation with the configurator often comes high on your roadmap of continuous improvement after you have gone live with the product. 

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In this section you will enter the main information allowing you to identify your product:

  • Code* - alpha - also known as part number, this can be an automatic counter, a manual entry, or calculated by the configurator.
  • Description* - alpha - this is how you usually name your product.
    • Foreign descriptions: in case you are selling the product cross borders, you can enter descriptions in other languages, which the system will display on commercial documents you issue.
  • Family - reference to another entity - also known as product or part groups, they make a nice axis for different sorts of analysis and allow to store family specific information, named characteristics. They are also used for some advanced configuration of MRP calculation and general ledger records creation.

  • Type - dropdown list - identify here whether the product is any of:

    • Material: characterises goods you cannot count and must measure, typical of raw material.

    • Tool: what you use in bills of materials but are not components of the finished good.
    • Part: characterises finished goods as well as components used in bills of materials, which you can count (as opposed to Material).
    • Phantom: when used in a bill of materials, a phantom disappears in production to the benefit of its components. 
    • Kit: kits are used to regroup several products you bundle together in sales.

      titleMore on kits


      There are 2 types of kits: bundles, and efficiency kits.

      • Bundles: when creating a line of sales order with such a kit, the system will keep the link between components and kit.
        • E.g. you cannot ship if you have not completed the kit with all components.
      • Efficiency kits: when you call such a kit in a line of a sales order, the system removes the parent item, but creates a line for each component. You can then remove parts independently, ship them at the pace you want, etc.

titleBehaviour of the various types

  • Material, Tool, and Part are interchangeable, and will behave similarly. They are useful to sort and filter results in a list.
  • Phantoms have a  specific behaviour and can only be used in Engineering programs.
  • Kits have a specific behaviour and can only be used in Sales programs.

  • Image - document - .
  • Source* - dropdown list - can either be manufactured, or purchased. This is the preferred way of how you procure a product. It does not prevent you from purchasing a manufactured product and vice versa, which can happen to manage workload, shorter lead times, and the like.
  • Validation status* - radio button - can either be valid or invalid. Parts that are set to invalid cannot be sold, purchased or used in production anymore.

    titleMore on validation status


    This is especially useful when:

    • Decommissioning a product: you will be able to complete the process for existing orders, but not take any new orders for this part number.
    • Preparing the launch of a new product: not yet available for sales, but you can work on the engineering side of it.
    • Preparing the replacement of a deprecated component: you can add an invalid part number to a bill of materials, but it will not be added to the manufacturing BOM when raising a works order.

  • Stock unit of management (UOM) - reference to another entity - this unit reflects how you count the product in stock and bill of materials.
  • Unit weight - numeric
  • Unit volume - numeric
  • Question scenario - reference to another entity
  • Formula scenario - reference to another entity - this is the calculation steps followed after answering the questions of the scenario aforementioned. These steps will calculate various information about the product, such as part number, description, comments, price, etc.
  • Schema reference - alphanumeric - a reference to the schema of the product is usually expected here. It can be the name of the CAD drawing, electrical schema, recipe, etc.
  • External reference
  • EDI id
  • List of versions - collection of references to another entity
  • General comment - text area - this text allows you to store additional information about the product, which will be automatically pushed on commercial and production documents.

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Here you will store the few useful details to define how you sell the product in general.

  • Sales price- numeric - enter here the least applicable price if no other can be found.
  • New sales price- numeric - allows you to plan for the update of your the least applicable price for the product.
  • Applicable date - date - this is the date upon which the new sales price becomes applicable. From this date on, you should update the sales price in order to plan for a future evolution of your price list.
  • Number of months warranty - integer - when deploying the after-sales module, this calculates the end date of the warranty period of a product based on either delivery date or invoice date.

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titlePurchasing and production

The information you store here are among the most important in the system. They will drive how it behaves for this part number and those it interacts with.

  • Strategy* - drop down list - this is probably the most important information in the application. It can be either one of On stock, or On order, or eventually On project (in case project management is activated and relevant).
  • Management type*- drop down list - combined with the strategy, this field dictates how the system will suggest you resupply the product, and whether you count the stock.

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titleOther P&P data
  • Batch number counter- reference to another entity - .
  • Serial number management - boolean - . 
  • Inspection process plan - reference to another entity - this allows you to refer to a question scenario that will be triggered when you book goods in, whether at the end of a works order or when receiving a purchase order. It will allow you to record the details of a quality control.
  • Lieu de stockage principal d’entrée
  • Lieu de stockage principal de sortie : Permet d’avoir une valeur par défaut lors des mouvements de cet article.
    • Il est nécessaire de créer les lieux de stockage dans l’activité « Gérer les lieux de stockage »
  • Politique de lotissement : Voir l’infobulle pour plus d’information. En cas de doute, mettre « Lot par lot ».
  • Article PIC : A ne pas renseigner dans le cadre d’un projet Starter
  • Type de consommation : Ce champ a un impact sur les sorties de composants prévus pour un OF.
    • Pré-consommation : Consommation manuelle obligatoire
    • Post-consommation : La consommation sera automatique lors de la fin de l’OF
  • Unité d’achat : Permet de définir une unité d’achat par défaut pour cet article avec son taux de conversion.
  • Last purchase price - numeric - you can initiate this value for parts you create, which will be used by default for the first purchase orders you place for these parts. It will then be updated each time you record a supplier invoice.
  • Fournisseur principal : Permet d’associer un fournisseur principal à cet article. Il est important de renseigner ce champ afin que le CBN (Calcul des Besoins Nets) puisse générer des suggestions d’achat sur un fournisseur.
    • Vous devrez au préalable créer des fournisseurs dans l’activité « Gérer les fournisseurs »
  • Délai de réapprovisionnement
  • Délai de sécurité : Sylob 5 additionnera ces deux délais afin de calculer la date limite à laquelle vous devez passer votre commande d’achat pour obtenir cet article à temps.
  • Quantité économique
  • Conditionnement
  • Stock de sécurité : Critères impactant les suggestions faites par le CBN (Calcul des Besoins Nets). Voir les infobulles pour plus d’informations 
  • Point de commande : A ne pas renseigner dans le cadre d’un projet Starter
  • Unité d’œuvre : A ne pas renseigner dans le cadre d’un projet Starter
  • Code GTIN-13 : A ne pas renseigner dans le cadre d’un projet Starter
  • Regroupement de suggestions : A ne pas renseigner dans le cadre d’un projet Starter

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titleFinancial information
  • VAT type - reference to another entity - crossing VAT system from companies (whether customers or suppliers), with VAT type from products allow the system to initiate the tax rate and amount in all sales documents.
  • Accounting classification - dropdown list - 
  • Sales account
  • Purchase account
  • Valuated on- dropdown list - this allows you to select against which cost information you value the stock of this product
  • Price expressed for
  • Weighted average cost - numeric - 
  • Planned full cost- numeric
  • Standard price - numeric